Pakenham and District Toy Library

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who runs the library?

We are a non-profit organization run by a voluntary committee with support from our members and their families. We are always in need of new committee members. From each new committee member, we gain new ideas and a fresh look into what can be improved. We are not a council or government organisation or a private company. We are a group of parents working together to benefit our children. The library is run by the members and a volunteer committee, who looks after the day-to-day running of the library.

What happens if we lose a piece to a toy?

If a missing piece causes the toy to be incomplete, you are welcome to buy the toy (and we hope you find the piece at home), or pay to replace it.

What happens if my child breaks a toy?

You will charge the replacement cost. Every toy has a different cost.

How many toys may I hire?

You can hire up to 5 toys out at a time. The maximum checkout for any set of toys is 6 weeks.

Can my children stay and play in The Toy Library?

Yes! Your children are welcome to “stay and play” in the play area when you come to check out toys, so long as you remain to supervise them.